Stay right where you are and address hundreds or thousands of people simultaneously be it a call-to-action, a stockholders meeting, an international yoga seminar. Dream big. Integrate multimedia to create more a more powerful presentation. Single out a participant for a two-way audio/video conversation during the event. Prime Time Media’s webcasting services include pre-production, video production and technical oversight of the online event.
Just like a satellite media tour, a radio tour can take you around the world and back without leaving home. Some of our clients have done their best tours from their favorite easy chair. Modern technology was designed to offer freedom to do your work anywhere, at any time without restrictions. We assist you with the message. The late Marshall McLuhan famously said, “The medium is the message.” We feel it’s a bit of both. With our experienced media specialists, we can also help you shape your message for maximum impact to hit our list of the top-rated programs on the air and on the internet. Just don’t forget to set your alarm for an early start.
How can you be in two places at once … and make your impact felt in all over the world…in just a few hours…without leaving home? It’s not cloning. It’s a satellite media tour from Prime Time Media.
We analyze, strategize, coordinate, map and place you in the perfect locations to move you from where you are to where you want to be. We upload your audio and video via satellite, and within moments, you’re communicating to millions simultaneously all over the world.
With longstanding relationships with decision-makers in television, radio and the internet, we position you for success. We get you the best media placement for your message and within your budget.
We work with the world’s most highly regarded media partners to ensure a seamless satellite broadcast even in the face of breaking news or natural disaster. We garner the largest audience and amass the most media impressions. That’s our job.
Going viral? It’s everyone’s dream …
Picture this: Your story runs as a live interview on CNN. A video clip gets liked and shared on Facebook, posted on Instagram, carried on Linked In and added to a 140 character tweet that gets retweeted. As the story grows, it gets back to CNN as Breaking News … and so on and so on and so on. We plant the seeds …and these things take on a life of their own.
When the SMT ends, it’s only the beginning. Interviews from your SMT continue to break. They are posted on network websites and picked up worldwide. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. And it’s all part of our media plan designed specifically for you.